Chiara lives on an island off the Atlantic coast, where her husband Antoine grew up. They are happy and in love. Antoine is a fisherman, and Chiara has learned his trade, working by his side for the last twenty years. The arrival of Maxence, a new apprentice, will disrupt their equilibrium and Chiara’s certainties…
Schedule / places
Film archived. No program planned.
Héloïse Pelloquet
Héloïse Pelloquet entered La Fémis’s editing department in 2010. In 2014, she directed the short film Comme une grande, then L’Âge des sirènes (2016) and Côté Cœur (2018). La Passagère (2022) is her first feature film as a director. She also works as a film editor, in particular for films by Anaïs Tellenne, Sofia Alaoui, Alice Douard, Romain Laguna, Guillaume Brac, Axelle Ropert, etc.